Long Sleeve Tees

Long Sleeve Tees

Long Sleeve Tees

Apparel by Muncie Map Co.

Featuring the Gildan 2400 Unisex Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Discover comfort and style with the Gildan 2400 Long Sleeve T-Shirt, a versatile piece that complements Muncie Map Co.'s unique graphic designs. This long-sleeve shirt is crafted with a blend of cotton and polyester, ensuring a soft and durable feel.


Whether you're layering for a cool day or making a statement on its own, the Gildan 2400 offers timeless fashion. Its ribbed cuffs and classic crew neckline add a touch of sophistication. Paired with Muncie Map Co.'s locally relevant and individualized graphics, this long sleeve tee becomes a canvas for self-expression. Choose from a spectrum of colors and embrace a perfect fusion of comfort, quality, and distinctive design that gets YOU in touch with your sense of place.

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